About Kingmakers

Kingmakers is a nonpartisan electronic media site specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion polling information using data from Twitter. It was developed by Datalogical, a data sciences and analytics firm based in Lagos, Nigeria in 2015.

Kingamkers is currently the only source of public opinion regarding the upcoming elections that is updated on a daily basis.

Kingmakers generates original public opinion data that is relevant, timely and accurate. We conduct national tracking surveys every night on the upcoming presidential elections. Additional polls on state elections and other topics will be routinely added to the mix.

How We Do It

We source thousands of messages every day on Twitter that are related to the Nigerian Presidential Elections. We only select messages that are generated within a 50km radius of the borders of Nigeria and geo-locate the tweets to Nigerian states and major cities.

We then apply sentiment analysis on the data to understand how effective both campaigns have been in getting their messages across and how their respective candidates match up when it comes to major political issues.

The results displayed on the site represent data that have been collated over the a two weeks period, with the change from the previous period shown in brackets.

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